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  • New report looks at private businesses and the forthcoming Human Rights Bill

    Date: 18th December 2023
    Category: Other human rights treaties and mechanisms

    This report discusses the current position in law regarding private businesses in Scotland and their human rights obligations.

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  • AI and children’s rights: a guide to the transnational guidance

    Date: 17th November 2023
    Category: Other human rights treaties and mechanisms, Special Protection Measures

    This new resource from LSE academics Gazal Shekhawat and Sonia Livingstone gives guidance from transnational organisations and is aimed at organisations and academics concerned with the issue of AI and its effect on children’s rights.

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  • Together’s consultation response to the new Human Rights Bill

    Date: 5th October 2023
    Category: Other human rights treaties and mechanisms, General measures of implementation
    Author: Together

    The consultation for the new Human Rights Bill has now closed and you can find our submitted response, offering a children’s human rights perspective, here.

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  • Rights Removal Bill resources

    Date: 13th October 2022
    Category: Other human rights treaties and mechanisms

    While the Rights Removal Bill has been shelved for now, it is important for civil society organisations and individuals to continue to build our knowledge on the importance of the Human Rights Act and the implications of the Bill to remain strong in our opposition for when it returns. Liberty has provided us with resources from its drop-in sessions to better understand the implications of the Bill on the rights of different groups.

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  • Get the most up-to-date guide on the Equality Act 2010 here!

    Date: 8th July 2022
    Category: Other human rights treaties and mechanisms

    This handbook provides a brief overview of the Equality Act 2010 and is a reference guide. Advisers are encouraged to use this guide to gather information on the application of equality law in Scotland. However, this should only be used as a starting point to direct further reading.

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  • Human Rights Act – what you need to know!

    Date: 7th July 2022
    Category: Other human rights treaties and mechanisms
    Author: British Institute of Human Rights

    Discover these short summaries on what you need to know about the Rights Removal Bill which plans to repeal the Human Rights Act. These set out clauses for concern on issues of proportionality, access to justice and obligations to protect individuals.

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  • Child-friendly resources to encourage children’s participation in the Universal Periodic Review

    Date: 7th April 2022
    Category: Other human rights treaties and mechanisms
    Author: Child Rights Connect

    Every four years the UK's overall human rights progress is assessed under the Universal Periodic Review (UPR). The UPR is a process where the member countries of the UN Human Rights Council review the human rights progress of UN member states. This is a fantastic opportunity to empower children to participate in the reviewing mechanism and this child-friendly guide aims to empower children to do just that!

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  • Video explaining the impacts of the proposed Human Rights Act reform

    Date: 2nd February 2022
    Category: Other human rights treaties and mechanisms

    The British Institute of Human Rights (BIHR) has created a 5-part action plan against the proposed Human Rights Act reform. As a part of its campaign, it has created a video explaining its action plan, how you can get involved, and why this proposed reform is so concerning for human rights in the UK.

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  • New child-friendly guide on the Universal Periodic Review

    Date: 13th January 2021
    Category: Other human rights treaties and mechanisms
    Author: Child Rights Connect

    The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) is a process where countries that are members of the UN Human Rights Council review each other’s human rights situation. The new guide aims to raise awareness and understanding of the UPR among children, empowering them to engage with the process.

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  • New child-friendly resources about the Universal Declaration for Human Rights (UDHR) available

    Date: 21st November 2018
    Category: Other human rights treaties and mechanisms, Civil Rights and Freedoms
    Author: Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

    Child-friendly, illustrated versions of thirty articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights have been published in the latest research guide for children and young people created by the OHCHR Library. The guide is available in plain English as well as the illustrated version and includes a child-friendly glossary of complex legal terms.

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  • Scottish Human Rights Commission’s Annual Report 2017/18

    Date: 7th November 2018
    Category: Other human rights treaties and mechanisms
    Author: Scottish Human Rights Commission

    Scottish Human Rights Commission has launched their annual report which gives an overview of their activities from the year 2017/18.

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  • A Toolbox for Human Rights-Based Monitoring

    Date: 7th November 2018
    Category: Other human rights treaties and mechanisms, Reporting to and monitoring the UNCRC

    Franciscans International has launched a Toolbox which aims to support those interested in “connecting the dots” between human rights, sustainable development and climate action. Designed for non-governmental actors at regional, national and international levels, it aims to promotes a human rights-based approach to sustainable development, poverty eradication and environmental justice by highlight the importance of “highlighting the importance of rights-based monitoring of sustainable development/climate change policies and how violations of human rights can harm or hinder the implementation of SDGs and make people more vulnerable to climate change”.

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  • Resource - A guide to strategic litigation in equality and human rights for NGOs in Scotland

    Date: 9th October 2018
    Category: Policies & procedures, Other human rights treaties and mechanisms, Civil Rights and Freedoms
    Author: Human Rights Consortium Scotland

    A new online guide for NGOs around strategic litigation has been launched by the Human Rights Consortium Scotland.

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  • Report - Day of General Discussion 2018 Children’s Publication

    Date: 21st September 2018
    Category: Other human rights treaties and mechanisms
    Author: Child Rights Connect

    Child Rights Connect has published the Day of General Discussion (DGD) children’s report which presents the findings gathered in consultations between March and June 2018 with children and young people about the theme of the DGD, ‘Children as Human Rights Defenders’.

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  • 10 reasons why the EU has been good for children

    Date: 3rd April 2017
    Category: Other human rights treaties and mechanisms
    Author: Euractiv

    Whatever decisions the EU makes about its future at the Rome summit and beyond, it should recognise the improvements to the lives of children as one if its great achievements and make this a foundation for future action, writes Jana Hainsworth for Euractiv.

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  • New technical guidelines for stakeholders' written submissions for third cycle of UPR published

    Date: 10th August 2016
    Category: Other human rights treaties and mechanisms
    Author: OCHCHR

    As the third cycle of the UPR approaches, and with the aim of improving the effectiveness of these written submissions, the OHCHR has developed new guidelines for 'other stakeholders' and has devised 'Matrices of recommendations of countries to be reviewed during the 3rd cycle of the UPR'.

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  • Child rights in European law: A new practical guide

    Date: 24th November 2015
    Category: General measures of implementation, Other human rights treaties and mechanisms
    Author: European Agency for Fundamental Rights

    On the occasion of Universal Children's Day, a handbook on European law relating to rights of the child was launched by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), the Council of Europe and the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR).

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  • Human rights explained in a two-minute animation

    Date: 27th October 2015
    Category: General measures of implementation, Other human rights treaties and mechanisms
    Author: Rights Info

    This excellent new resource encapsulates what human rights are, why we have them, the history of human rights and how they are now under attack. The animation was designed to make human rights understandable and accessible to all.

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  • Human rights toolkit for disabled people

    Date: 7th December 2011
    Category: Other human rights treaties and mechanisms, Children with disabilities
    Author: Inclusion Scotland

    The toolkit has been developed in consultation with disabled people from around Scotland. Its key purpose is to provide disabled people and their advocates with the tools they need to realise their human right to live independently.

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Viewing page 1 of 1 giving 19 results