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xScottish Human Rights Commission’s Annual Report 2017/18
Date: 7th November 2018
Other human rights treaties and mechanisms
Scottish Human Rights Commission

Scottish Human Rights Commission has launched their annual report which gives an overview of their activities from the year 2017/18.
This report outlines significant developments in the laws, policies and practices that have enabled people to fully enjoy their rights. Some key examples include SNAP (Scotland’s National Action Plan for Human Rights) which reached the end of its first four-year cycle; the First Minister’s Human Rights Leadership Advisory Group; the embedding of human rights into Scotland’s prison inspection standards and national care standards; and the progress made to embed human rights into the Scottish Government’s National Performance Framework.
The report also highlights the Commission’s work surrounding the ongoing Brexit negotiations: “While we pushed for continued progression on human rights laws, policies and practice, we also engaged with government and others on the risks and dangers of regression as a result of Brexit and will continue to do so.”