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  • National Domestic Abuse Delivery Plan for Children and Young People

    Date: 2nd June 2008
    Category: Basic Health and Welfare, Family Environment and Alternative Care
    Author: Scottish Government

    This delivery plan signals the Scottish Government commitement to get it right for children and young people affected by domestic abuse, their families and communities.

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  • Are we there yet? A way to go

    Date: 1st January 2008
    Category: Basic Health and Welfare, Family Environment and Alternative Care, Respect for the views of the child
    Author: Highland Children’s Forum

    The final report from a 3 year study with 270+ children and young people asking about their experience and views about the Scottish Well-being Indicators, that children should be 'Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected & Responsible and Included'.

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  • Persistent Young Offenders: A study of children identified as persistent young offenders in Scotland

    Date: 1st November 2007
    Category: Basic Health and Welfare, Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities, Equal protection from violence, Family Environment and Alternative Care
    Author: Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration

    This research looks at trends in the children identified as persistent young offenders, specifically the gender, age and local authority areas and how long the children continued to meet the persistent young offender definition.

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  • 0 -18 years: Guidance for all doctors

    Date: 15th October 2007
    Category: Basic Health and Welfare
    Author: General Medical Council

    The General Medical Council has published new guidance that sets out doctors' role and responsibilities towards children and young people.

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  • Index of wellbeing for children in Scotland

    Date: 2nd July 2007
    Category: Basic Health and Welfare
    Author: Barnardo's Scotland

    Barnardo's Scotland has produced an Index of Well-being for Children in Scotland. The index ranks outcomes for children in Scotland on a range of measures and compares Scotland with other OECD countries.

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  • School Report

    Date: 1st January 2007
    Category: Basic Health and Welfare, Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities
    Author: Stonewall Scotland

    The experiences of young gay people in Britain's schools (2007)

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  • A matter of substance. Alcohol or Drugs: Does it make a difference to the child?

    Date: 1st December 2006
    Category: Basic Health and Welfare, Family Environment and Alternative Care
    Author: Aberlour Child Care Trust

    The report raises awareness of the estimated 100,000 Scottish children affected by parental alcohol use and explores the differences between problem parental alcohol use and drug use and the impact on children.

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  • Hidden harm - Next steps: Supporting children - Working with parents

    Date: 1st May 2006
    Category: Basic Health and Welfare, Family Environment and Alternative Care
    Author: Scottish Government

    A publication to address the issues for children and young people affected by parental substance misuse.

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  • Have we got our priorities right? Children living with parental substance use

    Date: 1st March 2006
    Category: Basic Health and Welfare, Family Environment and Alternative Care
    Author: Aberlour Child Care Trust

    This is the report of the debate of the Think Tank brought together by Aberlour, in partnership with the Drug Action Team Association, to examine and debate responses to children affected by parental drug and alcohol use.

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  • Checkpoints for schools: Towards a non-violent society

    Date: 3rd January 2005
    Category: Basic Health and Welfare, Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities, Equal protection from violence, Family Environment and Alternative Care
    Author: National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC)

    Checkpoints for young people are designed to ensure the involvement of school students and provide a channel of communication to the home. They have been used successfully to improve behaviour in schools, increasing the effectiveness of students' learning.

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  • Checkpoints for young people: Better behaviour for better learning

    Date: 3rd January 2005
    Category: Basic Health and Welfare, Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities, Equal protection from violence, Family Environment and Alternative Care
    Author: National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC)

    The Checkpoints are based on many suggestions made by young people and can be used as a guide towards a safer and happier school life.

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  • Tackling bullying: Listening to the views of children and young people

    Date: 3rd March 2003
    Category: Basic Health and Welfare, Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities, Family Environment and Alternative Care, Respect for the views of the child
    Author: ChildLine

    In a seminal piece of research, the Thomas Coram Research Unit of the Institute of Education asked children and young people what they think should be done to reduce bullying.

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  • Missing Out - Young Runaways in Scotland

    Date: 1st January 2002
    Category: Basic Health and Welfare, Family Environment and Alternative Care
    Author: Aberlour Child Care Trust

    The circumstances and experiences of young people under the age of 16 who run away or are forced to leave their homes has been the subject of increased concern in recent years.

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  • Inquiry into Gypsy Travellers and Public Sector Policies

    Date: 1st January 2001
    Category: Basic Health and Welfare, General measures of implementation
    Author: Scottish Executive

    In 2001, the Equal Opportunities Committee published a report which examined the relationship between Gypsy/Travellers and public sector policies.

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