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  • Enquire interview with Youth Commission on Bullying

    Date: 16th December 2011
    Category: Basic Health and Welfare
    Author: Enquire

    Enquire recently interview the Youth Commission on Bullying, a group of young people in the Scottish Borders who have been appointed to research the views of people in their community about bullying in all its forms, including racism, homophobia and cyber bullying.

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  • Scottish Anti-Poverty Review Winter 2011/12

    Date: 1st December 2011
    Category: Basic Health and Welfare, General measures of implementation
    Author: Poverty Alliance

    Using assets to address poverty has come to the centre of the anti-poverty debate in Scotland. A focus on the potential and strengths of individuals and communities has been welcomed by many.

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  • “Because I am a girl: The State of the world girls 2011, So what about boys?”

    Date: 18th November 2011
    Category: Basic Health and Welfare
    Author: Plan

    The report takes an unusual perspective on gender by looking in detail at the role of boys and men in promoting gender equality. It asks an often-neglected question when it comes to gender issues: what it is that they can do in order to promote gender equality?

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  • Cyberbullying: 'She's still going somewhere...'

    Date: 16th November 2011
    Category: Basic Health and Welfare

    As part of the Anti-Bullying Week activities, respectme have launched their latest campaign, 'She's still going somewhere...'

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  • Young people and employment

    Date: 16th November 2011
    Category: Basic Health and Welfare
    Author: Citizens Advice Scotland

    This is the Citizens Advice Scotland's latest briefing on the problems facing young people in Scotland. The briefing outlines the issues that young people face in the jobs market.

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  • The Red Book

    Date: 1st November 2011
    Category: Basic Health and Welfare
    Author: Action for Children

    Action for Children's Red Book 2010-11 reports back on the impact that the UK Coalition Government's spending review has had on children, young people and families during this time of significant economic change.

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  • Child and working-age poverty from 2010 to 2020

    Date: 11th October 2011
    Category: Basic Health and Welfare, Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities, Family Environment and Alternative Care
    Author: Institute for Fiscal Studies

    What levels of poverty might there be for children and working-age adults by 2020?

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  • Finding the balance: Children’s right to confidentiality in an age of information sharing

    Date: 29th September 2011
    Category: Basic Health and Welfare, Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities
    Author: Centre for Learning in Child Protection

    A report from a Roundtable event organised by ChildLine Scotland and the Centre for Learning in Child Protection at the University of Edinburgh to critically explore children's right to confidentiality and the need to share appropriate information with an explicit aim of safeguarding children.

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  • Young people and housing

    Date: 28th September 2011
    Category: Basic Health and Welfare
    Author: Citizens Advice Scotland

    Citizens Advice Scotland's latest briefing in on the problems facing young people in Scotland. The briefing details many of the housing issues that young people face in Scotland, including high house prices, expensive private lets, a lack of affordable housing, and subsequent homelessness problems.

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  • Scottish Spending Review 2011 and draft budget 2012 - 13

    Date: 21st September 2011
    Category: Basic Health and Welfare, Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities, Policies & procedures
    Author: Scottish Government

    The Scottish Government has published its Spending Review 2011 and Draft Budget 2012-13. It sets out Scottish public spending plans for the next three financial years and targets investment to increase sustainable economic growth and transform public services.

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  • ECRI guidelines for governments to combat anti-Gypsyism and discrimination against Roma

    Date: 19th September 2011
    Category: Basic Health and Welfare
    Author: European Commission against Racism and Intolerance

    The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) issued guidelines - contained in its thirteenth General Policy Recommendation - to the Council of Europe's 47 member States to fight a rising tide of anti-Gypsyism and discrimination against Roma.

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  • Child well-being in the UK, Spain and Sweden

    Date: 13th September 2011
    Category: Basic Health and Welfare, Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities, Family Environment and Alternative Care
    Author: UNICEF

    New research by Ipsos Mori for UNICEF UK has shown that children in the UK feel trapped in a "materialistic culture" and don't have enough time with their families.

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  • Youth Friendly Health Services

    Date: 1st August 2011
    Category: Basic Health and Welfare
    Author: NHS Health Scotland

    NHS Health Scotland has produced a series of cards to offer quick, easy-to-use tips about providing a youth-friendly health service. They aim to provide health-care staff with a resource they can have readily to hand when working with children and young people. They are not meant to be a comprehensive source of information, but rather provide simple and concise pointers about how to provide a youth-friendly health service.

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  • Differences in decline - Relative child poverty in Scotland and England 1998-99 to 2008-09

    Date: 21st July 2011
    Category: Basic Health and Welfare, Family Environment and Alternative Care
    Author: Scottish Government

    This report summarises the results of an investigation into the differing trends in child poverty across the UK between 1998-99 and 2008-09, focusing on the difference between Scotland and England.

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  • Pocket guide to hate crime

    Date: 1st July 2011
    Category: Basic Health and Welfare, Equal protection from violence, General measures of implementation
    Author: LGBT Youth Scotland

    The LGBT National Youth Council has recently launched a guide on hate crime aimed at raising awareness among children and young people.

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  • Information and help after rape and sexual assault

    Date: 1st June 2011
    Category: Basic Health and Welfare, Equal protection from violence
    Author: Scottish Government

    This information pack is for women and men (over 16) who have been raped or sexually assaulted.

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  • Homeless Children

    Date: 15th April 2011
    Category: Basic Health and Welfare, Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities, Family Environment and Alternative Care
    Author: Shelter Scotland is an online resource which provides expert guidance and advice for education professionals on measures they can take to mitigate the impact of homelessness on a child's schooldays.

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  • Running away and future homelessness - the missing link?

    Date: 15th April 2011
    Category: Basic Health and Welfare, Family Environment and Alternative Care
    Author: Shelter Scotland

    This report highlights the fact that most young homeless people (84 per cent) had also run away over night before the age of 16. This is considerably higher than the national rate of running away which is estimated at 11 per cent.

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  • Early Years Briefing 1: Fetal Alcohol Harm

    Date: 4th April 2011
    Category: Basic Health and Welfare
    Author: Children in Scotland

    This briefing looks at fetal alcohol harm - the range of birth defects that can result from prenatal exposure to alcohol causing permanent brain and nervous system damage affecting learning, behaviour and life chances.

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  • Parents on TV

    Date: 4th April 2011
    Category: Basic Health and Welfare, Family Environment and Alternative Care, Children with disabilities
    Author: Parenting UK is a free online service designed to support and encourage parents and carers of children aged 5-19, with a collection of videos addressing a wide range of parenting topics.

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Viewing page 6 of 9 giving 174 results