Research Briefing - Look who’s talking: Using creative, playful arts-based methods with young children

Date: 4th December 2018
Category: Recreation, play and cultural activities


Researchers at the University of Strathclyde have published a research briefing on their work exploring the use of creative, playful arts-based methods in research with young children.  

This paper draws on data from the ongoing international project titled Look Who’s Talking: Eliciting the Voices of Children from Birth to Seven, led by Professor Kate Wall. It gives a reflective account of the researchers’ learning through their research young children using play and art-based methods and considers the analytical and ethical implications of this approach.

The researchers call for an intergenerational approach to eliciting children’s voices within social research in which “adults are not afraid to shape the agenda, but do so in responsive, gradual, and sensitive ways according to the preferences of the participating children”.

Read the research briefing here.

Visit the project website.