Publication on children's right to play and culture launched

Date: 29th April 2014
Category: Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities
Author: Scotland’s Commissioner for Children and Young People

A new publication giving an overview of children's access to play and culture in Scotland has recently been launched.

Children's right to play, culture and arts: A review of Article 31 in Scotland was produced by Scotland's Commissioner for Children and Young People and the International Play Association.

The 16-page review explains the importance of Article 31 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) - the right to play and relax by doing things like sport, music and drama. It also examines how this right is being realised in Scotland in 2014, current policy developments that are supporting it and why further progress is required.

The importance of Article 31 of the UNCRC is further developed in the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child General Comment 17 to the UNCRC.

A limited number of printed editions of the Article 31 publication are available and can be ordered FREE from the Commissioner's office. Please email if you would like a copy.