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xKey Principles for Climate Justice Litigation
Date: 17th July 2023
Basic Health and Welfare, Civil Rights and Freedoms

Advancing Child Rights Strategic Litigation Practice project has produced a set of Key Principles for Climate Justice Litigation and accompanying child-friendly toolkits, highlighting the integration of child rights into strategic litigation practices. These principles serve as a guide for litigators and advocates working on climate justice child rights cases, covering everything from scoping and planning to implementation and extra-legal advocacy.
ACRiSL has produced a set of Key Principles for Climate Justice Litigation which seek to show how child rights are being, and can be, integrated into climate justice strategic litigation practice. They are principles that should be borne in mind by litigators and others working on climate justice child rights strategic litigation (CRSL) when carrying out work around the scoping, planning and design of CRSL, operationalising CRSL, working on follow-up to CRSL, including implementation, and working on extra-legal advocacy (political advocacy and other campaigning, media work and communications).
ACRiSL has also created a series of 4 toolkits about CRSL and corresponding animations, made with our Child and Youth Advisory Group. These four guides can be used by children who are involved in or interested in bringing child rights strategic litigation. They can also be used by lawyers and others seeking to support children through the strategic litigation process. ACRiSL hopes these toolkits can act as empowerment tools to increase children’s engagement in and understanding of strategic litigation, while providing practical tips and ideas for children and practitioners.