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xNew Down’s Syndrome awareness resource
Date: 3rd May 2022
UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with D, Children with disabilities

Disability hate crime is recognised as one of the most underreported crimes in the UK and Mencap estimates that around 97% of disability hate crimes currently go unreported. I Am Me Scotland has launched a new Down's Syndrome Awareness project that aims to educate young people on bullying and disability hate crime.
An online learning resource has been created to tackle this systemic issue. This resource includes a digital lesson and an animated video featuring primary and secondary school pupils with Down's Syndrome. I Am Me Scotland hopes that this resource can support children to accept diversity from an early age.
The video is narrated by Chloe, who is eight years old and has Down's Syndrome. Six other children with Down's Syndrome provided additional input and commentary for the video, highlighting their achievements and ambitions.