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xImplementation Guidance - A Strategy to Eliminate Violent Punishment of Children: Now Available in Eight Languages!
Date: 10th March 2022
Equal protection from violence, Protection from abuse or neglect, Family Environment and Alternative Care

On behalf of End Corporal Punishment, we would like to share with you the Implementation Guidance – A Strategy to Eliminate Violent Punishment of Children, which is available in eight languages!
The Implementation Guidance outlines five broad steps for transitioning from physical punishment prohibition to elimination and development of non-violent childhoods which are:
- Enact – adopt a law prohibiting corporal punishment;
- Plan and coordinate – Develop a costed national action plan and integrate it into child protection system;
- Communicate – Public education, awareness-raising;
- Support – Positive parenting; and
- Evaluate – Monitor the impact of the interventions.
Read about the Implementation Guidance in different languages here.