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xSupporting good practice with care experienced children and young people in custody
Date: 23rd August 2021
Family Environment and Alternative Care
Children and Young People's Centre for Justice

The Children and Young People’s Centre for Justice (CYCJ), in collaboration with the Scottish Child Law Centre, has produced a new resource to support Scottish solicitors and practitioners with Good Practice Principles when representing care experienced children in police custody, to ensure their rights are upheld.
Children with care experience are more likely than their peers to experience police contact and criminalisation, despite no evidence that they commit greater offences than other children. They are less likely to receive support at the police station from family or a responsible adult, which can affect both their experience of police custody and the criminal justice outcome.
The guide comprises:
- A report exploring the key issues around the criminalisation of care experienced children and young people
- A Summary of Good Practice Principles for Solicitors
- An Information Sheet for Youth Justice Practitioners
- Information and advice for children and young people, detailing their rights in police custody, and what they are entitled to ask for. This was co-produced with young people.