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xPoverty in Scotland 2019 Report published
Date: 29th October 2019
Child poverty

The report looks at the impact that governments have had on poverty in Scotland over the past 20 years and how this evidence can be used to inform policy development for the future.
The report notes that poverty in Scotland is rising, with almost one in five people in living in poverty. Children are disproportionately affected, with one in four living in poverty.
It underlines the importance of housing costs, alongside social security and work, in addressing poverty in Scotland. The report also calls for a number of ambitious solutions across employment, housing and social security that would help reach child poverty targets and make a Scotland without poverty for all a reality.
The report consists of three sections, providing answers to the following questions:
- How has poverty changed over time in Scotland?
- Why is poverty lower in Scotland compared with the rest of the UK?
- What will change poverty in Scotland in the future?
Read the report here.