Resource - Shaping urbanization for children: A handbook on child-responsive urban planning

Date: 4th December 2018
Category: Respect for the views of the child
Author: UNICEF


UNICEF has published a free handbook which aims to demonstrate what can be achieved through “child-responsive, area-based and community-led planning” and includes a ‘Children’s Rights and Urban Planning Principles’ checklist.

The handbook is designed around three questions; why planning cities for children matters, what to plan for children, and how to plan for children. It aims to inform and inspire those involved in planning, designing, transforming, building and managing the built environment: urban planning professionals, city governments, the private sector as well as civil society organisations.

The resource also includes a checklist for ‘Children’s Rights and Urban Planning Principles’. This intends to be used by stakeholders to assess and evaluate how their actions can best uphold children’s rights.

Access the resource here.