Alcohol Framework 2018: Scotland

Date: 4th December 2018
Category: Children affected by substance misuse
Author: Scottish Government


The Scottish Government has published an updated framework on preventing harmful alcohol use which aims to put the voices of children and young people at the heart of the development of preventative measures on alcohol use. As the latest figures reveal, Scotland has high rates of alcohol-related harm in international terms, as does the UK. In 2016, total alcohol consumption in the UK was more than 16% above the European regional average (WHO, 2018).

The framework outlines a series of actions to be taken forward including their preventing underage drinking; restricting alcohol marketing and limiting advertising; revising and improving education of substance use in schools; providing positive alternative opportunities and preventing alcohol-related violence and crime by supporting families and communities.

The framework is grounded in upholding children’s rights across policy, practice and legislation; Action 1 specifically highlights the Scottish Government’s commitment to actively involving and seeking the views of children and young people.

Read the publication here.