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xA Story of Youth Justice in Scotland
Date: 12th December 2017
Children in conflict with the law
Children and Young People's Centre for Justice

The Centre for Youth & Criminal Justice has produced a new resource to help people better understand youth crime patterns, processes and trends.
A Story of Youth Justice brings together the current key published national statistics on youth crime in Scotland in one accessible place. It is aimed at anyone with an interest in gaining a better understanding of youth justice and crime patterns, particularly the general public and communities.
CYCJ's Research Lead Nina Vaswani said:
"The communities we live and work in are all affected by crime, therefore understanding youth justice and how it works is everyone's concern. Our survey of communities and young people found that many people misunderstand youth crime trends, but also that many were keen for access to accurate and useful information about youth crime - especially in their local area. We wanted to make it easier for people to do this, and that's why we have developed this resource."
The resource brings the statistics to life through colourful illustrations, diagrams and fact boxes. CYCJ will be working with its partners and stakeholders to ensure that this remains the most up to date version possible.
'A Story of Youth Justice' is the latest addition to CYCJ's resource bank, which includes two online 'maps' helping young people, and professionals, understand the journey through the youth justice system
To find out more, please get in touch via cycj@strath.ac.uk