The Web We Want: educational handbook

Date: 12th November 2013
Category: Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities
Author: Web We Want

The Web We Want is an educational handbook for 13-16 year olds which empowers and educates adolescents to safeguard themselves online. It is an initiative demonstrating a successful multi-stakeholder approach to the creation of a toolkit.

This much needed resource for teachers, parents and young people was created with active input of teenagers across Europe and was endorsed by the European Commission.

On the Web We Want website, young people can test their skills and learn more about their rights in the online world, and create tips and tools that they can share with young people all over the world.

The website also contains supporting resources, focusing on some of the issues discussed in the handbook. The resources are arranged by chapter and topic which correspond to the sections of the handbook. They include online rights and responsibilities, privacy, data protection and digital footprints, and sharing (information) and tagging.