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xEurochild publishes report "Breaking the cycle of Roma exclusion"
Date: 12th April 2013
Basic Health and Welfare
To mark International Roma Day (8th April 2013), Eurochild published the report "Breaking the cycle of Roma exclusion - The situation of Roma children & promising practices that promote children's rights and well-being".
The report brings together two important policy debates at EU level: Roma inclusion and child poverty & well-being.
Despite a lack of ethnic data, it is widely known that Roma and Traveller children face extreme poverty and deprivation throughout the EU - both indigenous Roma and Traveller communities, and those migrating to the West to seek a better quality of life.
However, despite the level of political attention given to Roma exclusion, a specific focus on the rights of Roma children is largely missing from the debate.
This report analyses the specific situation of Roma children and brings together some examples of initiatives that have had a demonstrable positive impact on children and their families.
- For further information and to download the report, please click here.