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xResponse to Commission on a Bill of Rights: Second Consultation
Date: 30th September 2012
General measures of implementation
Both UNICEF UK and the Rights of the Child UK (ROCK) coalition have submitted responses to the second consultation paper issued by the UK Bill of Rights Commission.
The consultation paper includes a paragraph asking for comments on children's rights. UNICEF UK continues to believe that children's rights should be included explicitly in any Bill of Rights, both as a separate section and mainstreamed throughout, and has suggested possible wording to achieve this in its submission. Also, UNICEF UK argues that economic, social and cultural rights should be made enforceable in order to enable children to enjoy the whole scope of their rights and develop to their full potential.
On 7 July ROCK and the British Institute for Human Rights organised an event for children and young people to enable them to take part in the consultation on a Bill of Rights, and sent their views to the Commission.