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xTogether’s 2019 State of Children’s Rights survey is now live!
Date: 15th July 2019
Scotland-specific monitoring and reporting

Complete our survey to help shape our 2019 State of Children’s Rights report! Your input will help build a picture of the current state of children’s rights in Scotland and identify where further work is needed.
Our 2019 report will look at the recommendations made to the UK and Scottish Government by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child in 2016. It will identify what progress has been made towards meeting these recommendations and where further work is needed to ensure that children’s human rights are fully protected, respected and fulfilled.
The survey below is designed to gather evidence, quantitative and anecdotal, to contribute to the 2019 report with topics ranging from the impact of health inequalities on children to justice and immigration issues. By drawing on our members’ knowledge and experience, the report will provide an evidence-based roadmap through which we can progress children and young people’s human rights across Scotland.
The survey should take between 30 minutes and 2 hours, depending on how many questions you wish to answer.
We would appreciate if your organisation could take some time to complete the survey before Friday 26th July 2019. Any supporting documents or resources should be sent to info@togetherscotland.org.uk.