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Kibble supports at risk children and young people (aged 5-26) across the UK. Many of the young people we care for have experienced significant trauma in their lives and Kibble offers dedicated care and support to help them move forward. This includes residential and community support, as well as dedicated schools and wellbeing services.
We provide a safe, stable environment that is both nurturing and therapeutic. With a robust support network and wide range of integrated services, we offer young people opportunities and encourage them to believe in themselves, feel a sense of belonging, and realise their own self-worth.
Across Kibble, our practice is becoming increasingly trauma-informed. The development of our therapeutic, trauma-informed practice draws on learning from trauma and attachment theories, social pedagogy, Life Space Crisis Intervention (LSCI) and through discussions with children and young people. All aspects of the charity, including the physical environment, staff training and culture are factoring in trauma-informed principles.
As a charity and a leading social enterprise, we’ve been helping young people for 160 years. Although we have changed since inception our priority remains the same, to support the young people who need our help most.