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  • A Place in Childhood


    We partner with anyone who shares our vision of making Scotland a great place to grow up. Harnessing our experience in academic research, we work with and for young citizens to support them in exploring and understanding real-world systems and practices, while amplifying their voices in the decisions that directly impact them. We report what works, create real change, and enable young people to make progress in an uncertain world.

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  • Aberdeen Council of Voluntary Organisations

    Category: Child Rights

    ACVO, Aberdeen's Third Sector Interface, exists to represent, support and develop the third sector in Aberdeen City. The organisation aims to foster and promote the sector's role in the development of caring communities where individuals are enabled to achieve their full potential.

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  • Aberlour Child Care Trust

    Category: Family Environment, Child Rights, Education

    Aberlour helps children, young people and their families in Scotland to cope with major obstacles such as disability, exclusion, parental drug and alcohol dependency and family breakdown.

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  • Abernecessities

    Local Authority: Aberdeen City Council, Aberdeenshire Council

    Contact Abernecessities on

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  • Action for Children

    Category: Family Environment, Child Rights, Education, Special Protection

    Action for Children is the leading UK provider of family and community centres, children's services in rural areas, services for disabled children and their families, and services for young people leaving care.

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  • Adoption UK Scotland


    Adoption UK Scotland is an independent support service for adoptive families across Scotland.  We offer information, advice and support through our helpline and website, peer-led support groups and family events.  We also host the Therapeutic and Education Support Services in Adoption (TESSA) and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Hub Scotland services which provide therapeutic input for adoptive families, and those affected by alcohol consumption during pregnancy.  We co-host the Kinship Care Advice Service for Scotland with AFA Scotland.  We are currently working with The Promise facilitating projects with young care experienced people providing opportunities around engagement, policy influencing, education and social opportunities.

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  • Alcohol Focus Scotland

    Category: Child Rights, Family Environment, Health and Welfare

    We want to see fewer people have their health damaged or lives cut short due to alcohol, fewer children and families suffering as a result of other people's drinking, and communities free from alcohol-related crime and violence. We have brought together organisations from across Scotland to form the Alcohol-free Childhood Action Network. ACAN will champion children's rights to be protected from dangerous drugs, violence abuse and neglect and to be listened to and taken seriously. A major focus in 2020 will be on reducing the alcohol industries ability to influence children and young people through marketing and helping to create child-friendly public spaces protected from alcohol sales and imagery.

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  • Article 12 in Scotland


    Utilising an asset based approach, Article 12 in Scotland works to build capacity and social capital through access to formal and non-formal learning and development opportunities that amplify the voice of those young people who are less likely to be heard. Our learning and development programmes are designed to build the capacity and social capital of some of the most marginalised young people in Scottish society. We deliver our learning one-to-one, in groups and online.

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  • Barnardo's Scotland

    Category: Child Rights, Education
    Local Authority: Clackmannanshire Council

    Barnardo's Scotland engages with external organisations to bring about positive change for children, young people and families within Scotland.

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  • Befriending Networks

    Category: Family Environment, Child Rights, Education, Health and Welfare

    Befriending Networks is the country's leading resource on befriending. Our members enjoy access to the latest research, training and advice to help them provide continuously high quality service.

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  • Bridges Project

    Category: Education, Health and Welfare

    Bridges Project is an independent, local charity which works with young people in East Lothian and Midlothian to help them manage the transition from adolescence to young adulthood and life beyond school.

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  • Carers Trust Scotland

    Category: Family Environment

    Carers Trust Scotland has been operating in Scotland since 1991 and are the largest provider of comprehensive carers support services in Scotland.

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  • C-Change Scotland


    Our aim is simple: we want to be of service to people, supporting them to live the life they want to live…their best life.

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  • CEA (Committed to Ending Abuse)


    CEA is an inclusive service committed to ending all forms of abuse. We provide support and advice to anyone regardless of age, beliefs, ethnicity, faith, gender, sexual orientation and race.

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    CELCIS is a leading improvement and innovation centre in Scotland. We improve children's lives by supporting people and organisations to drive long-lasting change in the services they need, and the practices used by people responsible for their care.

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  • Child Poverty Action Group in Scotland

    Category: Family Environment, Child Rights, Education

    CPAG in Scotland works to raise awareness of the devastating impact poverty has on children in Scotland, maximise families' incomes by helping to ensure those eligible for benefits and tax credits receive their full entitlements and campaign for positive policy changes to end that poverty.

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  • CHILDREN 1st

    Category: Family Environment, Education, Health and Welfare, Child Rights

    Children 1st is one of Scotland's leading child welfare charities. The organisation supports families under stress, protects children from harm and neglect, helps them to recover from abuse and promotes children's rights and interests.

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  • Children and Young People's Centre for Justice (CYCJ)

    Category: Child Rights

    The Centre for Youth & Criminal Justice (CYCJ) is dedicated to supporting improvements in youth justice, contributing to better lives for individuals, families and communities.

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  • Children in Scotland

    Category: Family Environment, Child Rights, Education

    Children in Scotland is the national agency for voluntary, statutory and professional organisations and individuals working with children and their families in Scotland.

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  • Children's Health Scotland

    Category: Health and Welfare

    Children’s Health Scotland is Scotland’s only national charity working to make sure that every child and young person can exercise their rights to healthcare and have these rights upheld.

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