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xYoung people’s views on redesigning the hearings system
Date: 11th December 2024
Civil Rights and Freedoms, Special protection measures, Child justice system

The Scottish Government has completed a public consultation on proposed changes to the Children’s Hearings System, with a strong emphasis on including the views of children and young people who have experienced the system.
Our Hearings, Our Voice (OHOV) engaged with 25 young people aged 15 to 22 through interviews and group discussions to gather their insights. This group represents a significant part of the public response, highlighting the importance of their lived experience.
Young people emphasised several critical areas for improvement such as the need for trusted, skilled, and consistent adults in their lives. Information and decisions should also be shared in ways that are understandable and personalised to children and their families. Children need help before, during, and after hearings to feel prepared, safe, and fully supported as they move forward.
The responses gathered mirror what OHOV members asked for over four years ago, when they published their 40 Calls to Action, a framework designed to ensure children’s safety, participation, and understanding in the hearings process.