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xChildren's Realities in Europe: Progress & Gaps
Date: 11th December 2024
General measures of implementation

To mark World Children’s Day 2024, Eurochild in collaboration with its 57 members across 31 European countries published a new report titled Children’s Realities in Europe: Progress & Gaps. The report examines how different nations are addressing children’s rights and highlights the diverse realities children face. While some progress has been made, the findings reveal that significant work remains across the UK. In this article, Children’s Rights Alliance for England (CRAE) reflects on the progress needed in England.
According to the Eurochild report, urgent reforms are needed to address poverty, mental health challenges, justice system inequalities to ensure the UK meets it’s commitments under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Despite some improvements over the years in England, CRAE stresses that many children’s views are still not systematically included in decision-making and highlights the need for the UK Government to commit to carrying out Child Rights Impact Assessments, the need for a Cabinet Minister for Children and for the UK Government to address the UN Concluding Observations made in 2023 on children’s rights.