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xSuccess Looks Different Awards 2024!
Date: 8th October 2024
General measures of implementation

The Success Looks Different Awards 2024 are now open and accepting applications. Created by the Inclusion Ambassadors in 2022, the Success Looks Different awards are an opportunity for early learning and school communities to share how they celebrate the achievements of all children and young people, recognising that not all success comes in the form of exam results.
Entry to the awards is free and open to all publicly funded schools, including secondary, primary, ELCs and special schools. This year, the application process is a little different. They have developed an engagement pack and application guide that will help to coproduce an application with the children in the education setting. The Inclusion Ambassadors are passionate about making sure that children and young people are able to shape applications as much as possible, and hope that this will help to make that happen.
Further information and the engagement pack can be found here.
Please note that applications close at 5pm on Friday 29 November. No entries received after this date will be considered.
For more information, contact the Inclusion Ambassadors SLD awards team via successlooksdifferent@childreninscotland.org.uk.