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xNew report: “it’s not just their job, it’s our whole lives”
Date: 20th August 2024
General measures of implementation, Family Environment and Alternative Care

This report by Forces Children Scotland outlines how the rights of children and young people from armed forces families are affected in the areas of protection, provision and participation rights. Children from armed forces families face barriers to their rights due to their parent’s service.
Children’s rights that are affected include protection from discrimination (Article 2), maintaining family unity (Article 9), privacy (Article 16) and prioritising their best interest (Article 3). Many children report that separation from a serving parent is especially challenging and feel their privacy is often compromised. They also expressed concerns about discrimination and not been heard in important decisions. The report calls for policies that consider the impact of postings and training on children and advocates for greater community awareness of the challenges faced by forces families.
The report urges decision-makers to review all policies and guidelines relating to postings and extended residential training courses, to ensure that there is direct instruction to consider the impact on children, and that any possible mitigations are considered and implemented.