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xScottish Government asked for update on UNCRC incorporation
Date: 16th December 2021

Sarah Boyack MSP has asked the Minister for Children and Young People, Claire Haughey, whether she can provide an update on Scottish Government’s plans to incorporate the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) into Scots Law. This comes after the Supreme Court Judgement on the Rights of the Child (Incorporation) (Scotland) Bill which deemed parts of the bill out with Scottish Government’s competence.
Boyack urged that every day that passes is another day that children’s rights aren’t enshrined in law, mentioning that Scottish Youth Parliament is especially concerned about progress on the bill.
The Minister for Children and Young People responded explaining that Scottish Government is disappointed in the delaying of the bill and remains committed to the three-year UNCRC implementation programme with public authorities and children and young people. The Deputy First Minister will return to Parliament with proposals to move forward with the bill.