Together supports joint statement calling for incorporation of disabled people’s rights

Date: 12th February 2021
Category: Disabled children

Picture of a group of young people outside in nature.

The Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland and Inclusion Scotland are coordinating this joint statement to Scottish Parliament and Scottish Government. Individuals and organisations working for equality and human rights for disabled people across all communities are encouraged to sign up to the joint statement and promote it to wider networks.

The joint statement calls on the Scottish Parliament and Scottish Government to deliver the full and direct incorporation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Disabled People (CRPD) during the 2021-26 parliamentary term. If properly embedded in Scottish legislation, this will ensure that disabled people can access their human rights and that these rights are enforceable.

  • Read the joint statement here. 
  • Sign up by 26th February 2021 here. 
  • Any questions and comments can be sent to Lucy Mulvagh, Director of Policy and Communications, the Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland at: Alternatively, you can contact Heather Fisken, Head of Policy and Research Team, Inclusion Scotland at: