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xNew EU Roma strategic framework
Date: 12th October 2020
UN Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), Non-discrimination

It is estimated that six million Roma live in the EU, many of whom face prejudice and social exclusion. A new EU Roma strategic framework sets out targets for 2030 to promote equality, socio-economic inclusion and meaningful participation of Roma people.
This strategic framework aims to close gaps in employment, education, housing, life expectancy, child poverty and poverty. It hopes to halve the number of Roma who experience discrimination and ‘antigypsyism’.
To assist with these objectives, the framework intends to promote participation and monitoring through employment, cooperation and trust amongst NGOs.
The need for this framework is highlighted by the following statistics:
- 85% of Roma children are at risk of poverty compared to 20% of children in the general population.
- 62% of Roma young people are not in education, employment or training compared to 10% of young people in the general population.
Read more about the framework here.