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xDemand for emergency food parcels by families increases
Date: 22nd September 2020
Child poverty

The latest figures from independent food banks across Scotland show they distributed more than twice as many parcels during June-July 2020 than in June-July 2019.
Between February-July 2020, there was a 113% increase in emergency food parcel distribution. At the height of lockdown, there was a 129% rise.
The report notes that while Scottish Government advocates a ‘cash first’ approach to food insecurity, thousands of people have still needed to turn to food banks. The Independent Food Aid Network (IFAN) has and continues to advocate for policy changes at UK level to ensure the drivers of poverty resulting in increased food bank use are addressed.
IFAN also supports the recommendations of the Poverty and Inequality Commission's report calling on the Scottish Government to strengthen the promotion, administration, availability and access to the Scottish Welfare Fund.
- Read more here.