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xCOVID-19: Scottish Youth Parliament writes to the Scottish Qualifications Authority
Date: 9th April 2020
Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities

Schools closures came at a time when many pupils were preparing to sit their exams in May. Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament (MSYPs) have written to the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) offering to work with it to ensure the voices of young people are at the centre of critical decisions on exams and assessments.
The letter follows the announcement that the 2020 exam diet would not go ahead, and that SQA was working on an ‘alternative certification model’ based on coursework and predicted grades.
The letter says working together would help set the minds of many young people at ease, enabling decisions to be more reflective of what young people want to see and upholding Article 12 of the UNCRC (children and young people have the right to be consulted in all matters affecting them and to have these views taken into account).
The MSYPs write: “We want to offer to work with you, to support you and help you ensure that young people are at the heart of these decisions. We believe that this will make the process more reflective of what young people want to see, and would be delighted to offer young people’s perspectives during this process if that would be of use.”