Progressing Children's Rights in Scotland - An Action Plan 2018-2021: Consultation Analysis

Date: 17th April 2019
Category: General measures of implementation, Scotland-specific monitoring and reporting


In July 2018, the Scottish Government opened a public consultation on its draft Action Plan for Progressing Children’s Rights in Scotland between 2018 and 2021.

The aim of the consultation was to focus on the content and format of the Action Plan that Scottish Ministers are required to lay before the Scottish Parliament, setting out their plans for taking forward children’s rights.

The consultation received 517 responses from individuals – members of the public, which may include some children and young people, and professional stakeholders and organisations. This report summarises responses to the consultation and draws out key themes and findings.   It notes that the majority of respondents welcomed the Scottish Government’s 2018 commitment to incorporate the principles of the UNCRC in to domestic law  but that there is a sense of uncertainty and ambiguity about whether these principles would be incorporated fully. 

Read the consultation summary here.