Strategic Plan 2024 - 2032

Together (Scottish Alliance for Children’s Rights) is delighted to launch our new Strategic Plan for 2024 – 2032!

Our strategic plan is a declaration of our commitment and a plan for action. Our three strategic priorities reflect a holistic approach to achieving our vision, focusing on proactive measures, responsive actions, and building the strength of the children’s rights community to ensure the rights of every baby, child and young person in Scotland.

We would like to thank everyone who has supported Together over the past 25 years and got us to this stage. With a ‘to do’ list from the UN Committee and the power of the UNCRC (Incorporation) (Scotland) Act 2024, Together commits to work tirelessly to ensure that rights are not only recognised in law but become a lived reality for all babies, children and young people in Scotland - that Scotland becomes a place where all babies, children and young people can grow up in an atmosphere of happiness, love and understanding.

Strategic Plan 2024 - 2032

Annual Report 2023-24: Reflecting on a year of progress

We are pleased to share our Annual Report 2023-24, which highlights a year of significant developments in the promotion and protection of children’s rights across Scotland.

Throughout this period, Together and its members worked tirelessly to support the full incorporation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) into Scots law.

Looking back, we are proud of the progress made in 2023-24. We are grateful for the support of our members, funders, and partners, whose collaboration has been essential in advancing children’s rights in Scotland.

click here to read more about our Annual Report

OUT NOW - our child-friendly version of the Human Rights Bill Consultation Analysis

On Thursday the 21st of March 2024, we published our child-friendly version of Scottish Governments Consultation Analysis Report.  This report is the fourth in the series and shares what the Scottish Government asked, how people answered and what children and young people told us during our Investigations.

The Rights Detectives are a group of children and young people aged 12-17 who are passionate about defending human rights.  For the last 21 months, they have been receiving missions from  Scottish Government and carrying out investigations with children and young people across Scotland to help shape a new Human Rights Bill for Scotland! 

Access Child-Friendly Version of the Human Rights Bill Consultation Analysis

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Latest News & Events

9th October 2024 — General measures of implementation
Together’s response on General Comment No. 27

The United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child (UN Committee) called for inputs in drafting General Comment No.27 focusing on children’s right to access justice and effective remedies. The call for inputs is an opportunity to help define the terms, approaches and actions that government should adopt.

9th October 2024 — General measures of implementation

New project: The Rights Detectives new pilot project

The new Rights Detectives pilot project by Together provides an opportunity for babies, young children, and their families to explore children’s rights in a fun and informative way. Partnering with Craigmillar Literacy Trust, Home Start UK, Play Scotland, and Starcatchers, the project has already hosted sessions featuring sensory play, music, movement, a children's rights photography exhibition, messy play, and engaging discussions to encourage family participation.

8th October 2024 — General measures of implementation

Together’s response to the Education (Scotland) Bill

Together has raised concerns in its consultation response to the Scottish Government’s Education Bill. While the Bill aims to address recommendations from key reports such as the OECD Review of the Curriculum for Excellence and Professor Ken Muir’s review, Together believes it falls short of fully upholding the rights of children and young people as outlined in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).

8th October 2024 — General measures of implementation

Together’s AGM and annual report

Together recently held its 2024 Annual General Meeting, celebrating the dedication of our incredible members who work tirelessly to make children’s rights a reality. We elected new Chair and also launched our annual report.

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