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xNew briefing: Scottish Government needs to do #BetterforBabies
Date: 5th October 2023
Child poverty

Save the Children is calling on Scottish Government to do #BetterforBabies in a new briefing which shows that action is needed to reduce the 34% of babies under one living in poverty in Scotland. They are calling on organisations to support their calls to further protect babies from the harms of poverty.
The first year of a child’s life is the most significant in defining future outcomes. The experience of poverty can have a detrimental impact on babies and their development. Check out this Save the Children blogpost to read more on how poverty can impede crucial brain development and how parental stress can transfer to the baby.
Save the Children is calling on the Scottish Government to protect babies within this narrow window to make sure all babies develop the right building blocks for a happy, healthy life. The Better for Babies briefing outlines four key actions to reduce poverty rates for babies under one (a full list of policy recommendations can be found from page 18 of the briefing):
- The Scottish Government should deliver a strategic approach across early years, social security and fair work portfolios to reduce child poverty in households with a baby under one.
- Ensure every new baby in Scotland can grow up in a home where there is enough money to make sure that baby has the best start in life.
- Ensure families can make the best choices to enable them to balance caring for their baby and employment.
- Progress action on investing in and scaling up community-based services that combine financial support with practical and emotional family support that meets the need of all family types.