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xWhat human rights situations require the Human Rights Council’s attention?
Date: 28th March 2023
Other human rights treaties and mechanisms, Reporting to and monitoring the UNCRC

The Human Rights Council concluded its general debate on human rights situations that require the Council’s attention. The repression experienced by peaceful human rights defenders around the world was a key issue raised, as some are being sentenced to prison for their human rights work. Amongst others, artificial intelligence and facial recognition systems with insufficient human rights safeguards was another flagged concern.
These issues require the attention of the Human Rights Council as they are, or potentially are, incompatible with international human rights law. Freedom of expression, freedom of association, and the right to peaceful assembly are just some of the human rights they place at risk.
Other issues raised in the debate include:
- The need to end hate speech against ethnic minority groups.
- How women and girls are disproportionately denied education.
- The importance of putting an end to slavery and human trafficking.
Speakers involved in the general debate called on the Human Rights Council to act and suggested an array of measures that could be taken.