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xHumza Yousaf elected as the new Scottish National Party leader
Date: 28th March 2023

After a close result, Humza Yousaf has been elected by his fellow party members as the new leader of the SNP, but what commitments has he made to children’s rights? Read on to find out!
During his campaign, Yousaf pledged his “unequivocal support in advancing people’s rights” and reaffirmed previous FM Nicola Sturgeon’s commitment to Scotland becoming an international leader in human rights.
- He has promised to protect the Human Rights Act 1998 against any attempts by the UK Government to remove it by introducing a new bill of rights.
- He confirmed that he will bring forward Scotland’s new human rights bill incorporating various UN Treaties into Scots Law.
Yousaf also made various commitments to children and families including an increase in funding allocated for childcare and the Scottish Child Payment.
In response to a letter sent from Members of Children’s Parliament and Scottish Youth Parliament, Omima, Arden, Beau and Daisy, asking candidates for their clear commitment to incorporating children’s rights, Yousaf responded saying:
“I stand by the action we intended to take with the Rights of the Child (Incorporation) (Scotland) Bill… If First Minister I would move this legislation forward making necessary changes, to bring it into the competence of the Scottish parliament…if elected as First Minister, I would look forward to discussing these issues with you, and how we bring this into our Scots Law.”
While we welcome Yousaf’s response, children and young people are still waiting for a clear timescale on when their rights will be protected in law, with the UNCRC Incorporation (Scotland) Bill having recently surpassed its second anniversary but not yet able to enter into force.