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xHuman Rights Council session on children's rights
Date: 8th March 2023
Other human rights treaties and mechanisms

The 52nd session of the Human Rights Council will take place from 27 February to 4 April, 2023 and will involve a discussion on the UNCRC for the annual day on the rights of child on 10th March.
The Human Rights Council, a subsidiary body of the UN General Assembly (the UN’s principal organ), consists of 47 elected members from the UN Member States which represent the geographical balance of the continents. The Council’s role is to strengthen the promotion and protection of human rights around the world through at least three sessions per year, which involve special panel discussions and events to encourage dialogue about human rights issues, making recommendations to address human rights violations. The third sector plays a vital role in these dialogues as they present information and evidence, informing the Council of current human rights issues on the ground.