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xNew! Our State of Children’s Rights Report 2023
Date: 13th February 2023
Reporting to and monitoring the UNCRC

Our report aims to inform the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child about the state of children’s rights in Scotland. Children, young people and so many of you shared evidence that was key to this report. We really could not have done it without you!
You helped us to highlight areas of progress since the UN Committee’s last review in 2016, alongside identifying areas that need to be urgently addressed. A total of 93 recommendations for improvements in implementing children’s rights have been created. These range from issues relating to child poverty to education, health and more! This independent evidence will assist the UN Committee as it prepares to review the UK’s children’s rights record in May 2023.
Together partnered with Members of the Children’s Parliament (MCP), Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament (MSYP) and the Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland to create an accompanying children and young people’s report. This sets out children and young people’s top six priority issues, including: adults realising children and young people’s rights, equality, education, mental health, the right to food, climate change and the environment.
The reports were launched on Monday 6th February, the day before Together, MCPs and MSYPs were due to meet with the UN Committee in Geneva to discuss their priorities.
A huge thank you to the 78 organisations across Scotland who have endorsed our report, and to Arden, Omima, Beau and Daisy for their advice, creativity and support in the creation of the children and young people’s report. We hope both reports will positively influence the next stages of the UN Committee’s review of the UK and Scotland.