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xUK ranked 174th in global children’s rights review
Date: 9th November 2022
General principles

The annual report of the KidsRights Index has ranked the UK at 174th globally in adherence to the UNCRC, and reveals no progress of children’s standard of living worldwide in the last decade with climate change being the main global threat to children’s lives.
The KidsRights Index is a global ranking of all UN Member States who have ratified the UNCRC, measuring how children’s rights are respected and to what extent are countries committed to improving the rights of children. Countries are scored in five areas of children’s rights ‘life’, ‘education’, ‘protection’, ‘health’ and ‘enabling environment for child rights’, relative to the countries capacity to implement the UNCRC. A country’s total score is calculated as the geometric mean of the scores of these five domains and the scoring is based off of quantitative data published by UNICEF.