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xResearch report published on ‘dignity’, human rights culture and Scotland’s new human rights framework
Date: 9th June 2022
General measures of implementation

The National Taskforce for Human Rights Leadership looked at whether Scotland should incorporate different human rights conventions into Scots law. Its report included a recommendation that a new human rights framework should recognise human dignity as the underpinning value of all human rights. This new research assesses the impact of talking about ‘dignity’ when it comes to creating a human rights culture.
Dr Elaine Webster explores how engaging with dignity language across different stakeholders impacts the development a human rights culture in their life and work. Dr Webster’s findings indicate that engagements with dignity language could contribute positively to the goal of developing a human rights culture.
Accompanying this research is a short briefing paper which outlines key recommendations for the Scottish Government, the Human Rights Bill Advisory Board, civil society and organisations that would have duties under a new human rights law.