Raising awareness and supporting young carers with a whole family approach

Date: 7th April 2022
Category: Young carers

girl with ginger hair smiling

The ‘Together: A Whole Family Approach for Young Carers’ project has developed tools and interventions to support the social inclusion and engagement of young carers in Germany, Italy, Greece and Scotland. The project aimed to develop these resources to support young carers and help professionals to adopt a whole family approach, encouraging open communication about illness and care in order to improve relationships within the family.

Alongside the findings from the project, you can also discover:

  • A database containing different awareness raising and support resources and tools.
  • Resources in partner languages adapted to the various national contexts involved to promote the identification of young carers and the whole family approach.
  • a workshop model to engage young carers and family members in open communication about the impact unpaid caring has on their lives.
  • An e-learning and digital booklet course aimed at professionals to support them to use the resources and evaluate the impact.

Read more about the ‘Together: A Whole Family Approach for Young Carers’  research here.