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xHear children’s mental health and wellbeing needs and wishes
Date: 7th April 2022
Mental health

The experiences, needs and wishes of 140 children across the Western Isles have been gathered to inform children’s mental health and wellbeing services. Children reflected on life at home, at school and in the community and to consider what helps create a supportive, nurturing environment for all children to grow up in.
Children’s Parliament worked in partnership with four primary schools and nurseries to capture a diversity of children’s views and the following key themes emerged:
- The importance of relationships built on trust
- Getting support when you need it
- Being outdoors, being active and playing
A number of calls to action were created and these include:
- Help children put a stop to bullying, cyberbullying and feelings of exclusion.
- Make sure every school and community has a safe, private space where children can talk to an adult if they are worried, upset or having a difficult time.
- Have specialist art and PE teachers for every school and nursery.
- Create child-friendly information and knowledge on what activities, services and support are available for children, the benefits to it and how to get involved.
- Make sure our communities are healthy, clean environments where everyone has access to clean water and healthy food - especially those with little money.
- Create, repair and improve play and outdoor spaces – and more learning outdoors!
- Create more activities, clubs and places where children can go to hang out, play, learn new skills and make new friends.
- Make a commitment to involving children in decisions that affect them.
Whilst the report focuses on the Western Isles, it is an important read in terms of children's views on what is needed to have a positive impact on their mental health and wellbeing, as well as sharing a children’s human rights-based approach to informing service delivery.
Read the report titled ‘Ask us how we are’ here.
If you have any questions, please get in contact with Sandra Rabbow sandra@childrensparliament.org.uk