How the new Scotland Human Rights Bill can better protect migrants’ human rights

Date: 12th November 2021
Category: Refugee , migrant and asylum-seeking children


Together with Scottish Refugee Council, JustRight Scotland, PKAVS, Citizens Rights Project, BEMIS, Amnesty, & Forth Valley Migrant Support Network, HRCS has published a report with some recommendations around how the new Scotland Human Rights Bill can better protect migrants’ human rights.

This report says that on the face of the Bill, it should state that the principle of dignity applies to all, without restriction. Other recommendations include:

  • Immigration status should not need to be shown before access to services
  • Community organisations need to play a key role in providing rights information, advice and independent advocacy under the new framework
  • Engaging with the diversity of migrants needs to be embedded into how the Bill is implemented, including much better disaggregated data
  • Migrants and migrant organisations need to be involved in how the Bill is drafted and implemented

Click here to read the full report on migrants’ human rights.