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xFuture Priorities for Participatory Budgeting in Scotland
Date: 22nd October 2021

The National Participatory Budgeting Strategic Group has published a framework for the future of participatory budgeting (PB) in Scotland. The framework sets out shared intentions and ambitions for PB and, looking ahead, outlines a series of priority recommendations to be carried forward.
The strategic framework is a key document that underlines how Scotland can evolve PB into a central way for decisions to be made in Scotland. The priorities set out in the framework include:
- A shared understanding of PB
- Making the links to the National Performance Framework
- Addressing inequalities
- Continuous learning
- Holding PB processes directly
- Evidence the long-term impact
- Climate justice
- PB supporting equalities and rights-based budgeting
- Public sector collaboration
- Sustainable transport
- Health and social care
- PB across education
- PB in schools
- PB addressing the attainment gap
- Engaging in housing
- PB and homelessness
For more information and to share your thoughts on these priority recommendations click here.