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xDiscovering the successes, challenges and lessons learned of COVID-19
Date: 3rd September 2021

Over an eight-week period amid the COVID-19 pandemic, an international survey heard the views and experiences of policymakers and practitioners working with children and young people. Over 3330 responses, from 22 countries, across five continents were received. Findings highlighted that if children’s needs were listened to more closely in decision-making, then this could have improved global responses to the pandemic.
Recorded through a smartphone app, the views of decision-makers and practitioners from Canada, Kenya, India, the Philippines, Scotland, South Africa, Sweden, and the US were captured. Teachers, care workers and community health workers also cited lack of access, insufficient funding, school disruption and barriers to advocacy among the challenges they faced in supporting children, particularly those at high risk, during the pandemic.
Additionally, professionals also reported positive outcomes prompted by the pandemic, including creative uses of technology, community liaison, raising awareness of children’s risks and rights, and combining virus protection with psychosocial support.