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xUnited Nations makes commitment to promote children’s right to a healthy environment
Date: 8th July 2021
Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

Heads of the United Nations have jointly committed to stepping up their action to promote the right children, youth and future generations have to a healthy environment and the importance of meaningful participation in decision-making at all levels.
Heads of the United Nations have committed to:
- Support and carry out effective advocacy for global recognition and realisation of young people’s and children’s inalienable right to a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment.
- Take necessary steps to support the scaling up of the meaningful participation of children and young people in all stages of the definition, implementation and review of UN policies, and inform and encourage a cross-cutting focus on children and youth in climate action.
- Enable and support the leadership and empowerment of children and young people in environmental action, with a particular emphasis on the most marginalised.
- Partner systematically, genuinely and meaningfully with diverse groups of children and youth at local, national, regional and global levels.
- Uphold, respect, protect and fulfil all human rights, including the rights of children and youth with respect to the environment and climate justice.
- Promote relevant child- and youth-inclusive and child- and youth-led research, data collection, analysis and accountability, to nurture decisions that truly respond to addressing the impacts of the environmental crisis on children, youth and future generations.