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xNews from Scottish Learning Disability Week
Date: 14th May 2021
Disabled children

It can sometimes be difficult for people with learning disabilities to form relationships, which is why this year’s theme for Scottish Learning Disability Week is relationships, highlighting the importance of having them.
Across the week, different days focus on different aspects of relationships, with various workshops taking place alongside a digital film festival.
There are a number of ways you can take part in Scottish Learning Disability Week, one of which is promising to have an open conversation about relationships. This could be with someone with learning disabilities who you support, or if you have a learning disability you could promise to tell your family, friends and supporters about the relationships you have already, or the relationships you want in your life.
Here are some things you could chat about:
- Different kinds of relationships, for example with family, friends, romantic partners, colleagues or neighbours
- Relationships that you have in your life
- Relationships that you would like to have in your life
- Good things that different relationships can bring
- Problems that relationships can bring
After fulfilling your promise you can then decorate your ‘Promise Postcard’ which can be found here and share photo of yourself with the postcard using the hashtag #LDWeekScot2021.