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xVolunteer opportunity to become a peer supporter
Date: 8th April 2021
Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

Diabetes Scotland is looking for young people aged 18-24 with type 1 diabetes to assist in deivering youth peer support projects.
These projects aim to create a space for young people with type 1 diabetes to digitally meet whilst Covid-19 restrictions are in place, support each other and to have their voices heard.
Volunteers will be trained to support young people across Scotland to improve their diabetes management and their emotional and mental wellbeing.
Volunteers will work to support young people aged 13-24 with Type 1 diabetes across three different opportunities:
- 1-2-1 Buddying in Glasgow
- Group peer support in Glasgow, Ayrshire, Lothian and Forth Valley
- The creation of a national discussion group and space online
The deadline for applications is 12th April 2021 and more information about these volunteer positions can be found here.