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xEmpty Classrooms: Broken Futures campaign
Date: 25th March 2021
Education, including vocational education

As millions of children remain out of school around the world, World Vision UK has launched its Empty Classrooms, Broken Futures campaign as part of its wider efforts to end violence against children.
The coronavirus pandemic has forced schools to shut across the globe, and for many children, that’s not the only barrier to education they face. Violence and abuse, such as sexual exploitation, child marriage and child labour prevent millions of children from going to school every year. These abuses have got worse during the pandemic, as families lose income and are forced into desperate situations. The UK Government says it is committed to ensuring every girl around the world has 12 years of quality education, but this is impossible without ending the violence and abuse many children face.
World Vision is urging the UK Government to use the G7 Summit this June to prioritise addressing the barriers to education which children face, one of which is the violence many experience that prevents them getting to the classroom.
Ahead of the summit, World Vision UK is asking supporters to write to their MPs calling on them to sign an Early Day Motion (EDM) showing their public support for this issue. Carol Monaghan, SNP Spokesperson for Education, sponsored the EDM.
Click here for more information.