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xNew report - ‘Realising Rights, Changing Lives’
Date: 13th January 2021
Reporting to and monitoring the UNCRC, Other human rights treaties and mechanisms

The report identifies good practice conducted by United Nations entities for effective reporting cycles. It shares ‘success’ factors which influence whether engagement with these reporting cycles have measurable improvements in the global enjoyment of children’s rights.
The following are examples of the ‘success’ factors identified in the report:
- Full (and voluntary) involvement and engagement of countries with all the UN human rights mechanisms (i.e. treaty bodies, the Special Procedures and the Universal Periodic Review) - this means countries engage and feel ownership of the reporting process, have a stake in its success and are more likely to implement the mechanisms’ recommendations. By engaging with all UN human rights mechanisms, this can enable these mechanisms to be complementary and mutually reinforcing.
- Detailed, fact-based and insightful reporting to the United Nations mechanisms - enables UN entities to fully understand the situation in the country concerned and provide useful recommendations. To do this, civil society should be widely consulted in the preparation of both State (national) reports and United Nations system reports.
- Human and technical capacity - to engage effectively with the human rights mechanisms, as well as with other related processes. Human and technical capacity can also enable the management, coordination, measurements of mechanism’s recommendations.
Read the report in full here.