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xA third of pupils now identified with additional support needs
Date: 28th January 2021
Inclusive education

New statistics from Scottish Government show a record number of pupils were identified as having additional support needs in 2020. The report comes as children and families say they are receiving less support.
The figures show 226,838 children were identified as having additional support needs, such as autism, dyslexia and mental health problems. This represents 32.3% of the pupil population, rising from 118,034 in 2012, and is a near doubling (92.2%) in numbers from 2012.
Whilst these figures indicate more children and young people’s additional support needs are being identified, it is against a worrying backdrop of cuts to services. Ensuring adequate provision of educational support for children young people with additional support needs is critical to ensure children and young people have their right to education upheld.
Read these statistics in full here.