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xParents and carers’ responses to Back at School survey
Date: 9th December 2020
Education, including vocational education, COVID-19, Recreation, play and cultural activities

This autumn, Connect ran a survey asking parents and carers how being back at school or in nursery was going. It received 527 responses from across 29 local authorities.
The findings highlight that, although a majority of children have experienced a positive return to school, there are still some issues which need to be addressed. Building on this, Connect has formulated a call to action, including six ‘asks’:
- Focus on parental engagement;
- Introduce a Communicating with Parents Plan;
- Share children’s learning with parents;
- Maintain a sense of school community despite school closures and online learning;
- Reintroduce the wider curriculum (e.g. art, PE) and specialist support when needed;
- Minimise stress and pressure on children and young people brought by the pandemic.
Read Connect’s blog about it here.
Read the summary of the findings and recommendations here.
Read the full report here.